The most comprehensive "crash course" for the loan officer who wants to make more money in less time, without the headache and common mistakes.
Sneak Peak

Pay Attention
The details matter! Your client wants to know that you value them as more than a mere transaction. And you can prove this by giving your client your complete attention, focusing on their individual goals and giving them the right solution at the right time.

Build Trust
The process matters! From the moment you begin your relationship with a client, the process will be your guide. Trust it and in turn, you’ll trust yourself. This is the structured process I personally use, and have designed to help you build relationships, build client trust, and build your skills in today’s business world.

Don’t Skip Steps
The steps matter! Every step of the way, you’ll be building relationship and rapport with every client. And every client deserves to be reassured that everything you do benefits them. You can do this by making every step count toward giving every client - and yourself - the smoothest process possible.
All the Tools and Strategies You Need In 7 Powerful Modules
Module 1
Focusing on Your Client, Mr. and Mrs. VIP
Module 2
Different Types of Financing and Loan Products
Module 3
Determine the Best Product for Your Client
Module 4
Down Payment and Closing Cost
Module 5
All About the Numbers
Module 6
Secure the Deal and Close On Time: The Purchase Contract
Module 7
Build Your Business
Register Now!
A note from Tanya
There’s a lot that goes into being a successful loan officer who is able to create personally, meaningful experiences for each and every client.
I know – because that’s what I’ve done with my life.
A while back, I had to make an uncomfortable decision to improve life for myself and my children. It took courage, but the reward has been a meaningful and successful life – and business,
And I created this course so that you can know the same kind of success!
It will require you to take a deeper look into your “why” and face your fears, your doubts, your concerns, and even your level of personal discipline and focus. But I know you’ll never regret taking this opportunity to do what may be ‘uncomfortable’ for a quick minute, so that you can enjoy the rewards for a lifetime.
When you enroll in the Loan Officer’s Guide To A Profitable Business Course, I’ll also include a bonus 30-Day Jumpstart. It’s my amazingly solid process to quickly position you for growth and profitability.

Contact Us:
Tanya Blanchard
[email protected]